About Montessori
What is the Montessori Method?
- Pioneered by Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952).
- The Montessori Method is well recognized and well respected. It has been time-tested world wide across a full spectrum of societies and cultures.
- Some of Dr. Montessori’s ideas are as follows:
- Hands-on learning and manipulatives, particularly for mathematics.
- Structured learning environments designed to facilitate self-directed learning.
- Stress on intrinsic motivation and student choice of activities.
- Multi-age grouping, peer tutoring and cooperative learning.
- Self-correcting materials.
- A sensorial environment which reflects beauty, simplicity and order.
- A non-distracting environment.
- Focused on developing independent, self-reliant learners
Distinguishing Features of a Montessori Elementary Program
- The Wheatland Montessori Elementary program is characterized by the following:
- A multi-aged, multi-graded diverse grouping of students (Pre-Kindergarten for ages 3 & 4, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, and Grade 4).
- The Wheatland Montessori teachers hold a Bachelor of Education Degree and have Montessori training and certification.
- A teacher working with the same group of students for more than one year.
- A structured or prepared environment that encourages intrinsic motivation, spontaneous activity, and self-directed learning.
- Math and Language Arts are structured within a large block of time to offer choice.
Wheatland Montessori Alternative Program Objectives
- To provide a well-rounded education that meets Alberta Education requirements for children grades Kindergarten through Grade 4 that is consistent with the mission, visions and beliefs of the Golden Hills School Board.
- To provide an education that meets the needs of individual children, respecting their individual differences and interests and their learning styles.
- To provide greater independence and problem solving skills.
- To provide a quality education that focuses on the whole child and strives to prepare children for lifelong learning and social responsibility.
- To provide an education that nurtures respect for other individuals, cultures and for the environment.
Parent Handbook 2024-2025 can be found HERE.
Contact Us
For further information about the Wheatland Montessori Program, please contact:
Montessori Pre-K: jocelynne.kowalski@ghsd75.ca
Montessori K: leanne.pinel@ghsd75.ca
Montessori 1/2: devon.kirby@ghsd75.ca
Montessori 3/4: michelle.herron@ghsd75.ca
(403) 934-3318