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Wheatland Elementary’s Annual Food Bank Drive - Take a Bite out of Hunger

We are excited to announce our annual food bank drive, "Take a Bite out of Hunger," which will be taking place from October 30 to November 3, 2023. This initiative is a wonderful opportunity for our school community to come together and make a significant impact on the lives of those in need.

We are pleased to inform you that this year, we have some special incentives to encourage participation and generosity:

  • Mrs. Garrioch, our Associate Principal, has generously volunteered to be duct taped to the gym wall if we are able to collect 2000 items.
  • If we manage to exceed our goal and collect 2500 items, Mrs. Van Vliet, our Principal, will be duct taped to the gym wall.

This fun and daring challenge is sure to motivate our students and families to contribute as much as possible to this important cause. It's an opportunity for our school to make a positive impact on the wider community and teach our students the importance of giving back.

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to Ms. Kirby and the 5A class for organizing and leading this meaningful community initiative. Their dedication and leadership are instrumental in the success of our food drive.  Items will be collected and counted each day after morning announcements.  Here are the types of donations that we will be collecting on each day, but do not worry if you mix up the days/donations.  Every donation will count towards the grand total at the end of the week.

October 30th, 2023- Pasta & Pasta Sauce

October 31st, 2023- Breakfast & Lunch Items

November 1st, 2023- Hygiene Products

November 2nd, 2023- New Toys & Games

November 3rd, 2023- Soup for Soldiers

Please encourage your child to participate and contribute to the "Take a Bite out of Hunger" food drive. Every non-perishable item donated makes a difference. Let's work together to make this year's drive a resounding success and support those in need within our community.

Thank you for your support and generosity.


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